Use "be severely reprimanded|be severely reprimand" in a sentence

1. Bellonet would later be severely reprimanded for his importunate Blusterings

2. He would again be severely reprimanded, and this time dismissed from his ship.

3. I was severely reprimanded by my boss.

4. She was severely reprimanded for accepting the money.

5. The foreman reprimanded the workers severely for not following safety procedures.

6. The baffled executioners were severely reprimanded before getting another crack at Vincent.

7. Debra remembered as a very young child being severely reprimanded by her father.

8. The most severely Afflictedchildren may be severely deaf, suffer heart problems and kidney abnormalities

9. The offenders will be severely disciplined.

10. Those who disobey will be severely punished.

11. Access to such arms should be severely curtailed.

12. The field of view may be severely limited.

13. Anyone breaking the law will be severely punished.

14. Access to such arms should be severely curtailed

15. The hapless Sidney Barnett was found guilty of assault and severely reprimanded by the court.

16. Motorists should be punished severely for dangerous driving.

17. Motorists should be severely punished for dangerous driving.

18. All cases of bullying will be severely dealt with.

19. The government will be severely bruised by yesterday's events.

20. 8 The hapless Sidney Barnett was found guilty of assault and severely reprimanded by the court.

21. In May 19 a registrar admitted a drink-driving charge and was severely reprimanded by the Lord Chancellor.

22. Unless you recant your confession, you will be punished severely.

23. If breathing becomes severely impaired , hospital treatment may be needed .

24. 4 The scoundrels who ran amuck will be severely punished.

25. A single, Yaomou a recidivist, be punished severely according to law.

26. Will you remain silent and let us be afflicted so severely?

27. And our quality of life is going to be severely compromised.

28. Without time-consuming pre-sorting the crusher aggregates could be severely damaged.

29. Those are the rules, and anyone who transgresses will be severely punished.

30. He's severely dyslexic.

31. The attack damaged Langley so severely that she had to be abandoned.

32. Researchers found 17 per cent of their random sample to be severely depressed.

33. If infected early and severely, young lettuce seedlings can be killed by Anthracnose.

34. Your fellow-passengers, severely shaken, Will almost all be loath to stick around.

35. [tr.] formal reprimand (someone) severely: /he was Castigated for not setting a good example./ DERIVATIVES: cas·ti·ga·tion

36. Austere Severely simple; unadorned

37. Fog severely restricted visibility.

38. Babies who might be in severe pain soon after birth are certain to be severely diseased babies.

39. The likelihood is that he will be severely Censured and possibly also fined.

40. The army evidently fears that, under him, its activities would be severely circumscribed.

41. Large portions of the country were scarred — severely, severely hurt — by this horrible war.

42. It seems likely that areas for profitable agriculture will be severely restricted and altered.

43. " I must really ask you to be a little more quiet! " said Holmes severely.

44. Their ability to be competitive will be severely reduced and they will rapidly come under threat of closure.

45. Many Brazilian prisons are severely

46. His policies were severely criticized.

47. Steven was born severely handicapped.

48. Their activities were severely circumscribed.


50. He told them off severely.

51. Food supplies were severely depleted.

52. In asexually propagated species, variability resulting from recombination may be severely limited, or even precluded.

53. Bouldered severely inebriated, beyond stoned.

54. Like Carol, you may be facing some severely stressful situations with little chance of improvement.

55. Thus, the durability of Czechoslovakia's democratic transition will be severely tested in the coming months.

56. Vampires are severely allergic to silver.

57. Salmon populations have been severely depleted .

58. His blood pressure had dropped severely.

59. He told off the employee severely.

60. Clemency definition: If someone is granted Clemency , they are punished less severely than they could be

61. Belle has already been severely punished.

62. Castigate: To punish or rebuke severely

63. The accident left him severely disabled.

64. 10 Her joints are severely inflamed.

65. He has a severely restricted diet.

66. Purchasing power has been severely eroded.

67. The stadium roof was severely damaged.

68. To criticize severely and devastatingly; excoriate.

69. Consent can not be given by a child, for example, or by a severely subnormal individual.

70. Many company managers are severely overextended.

71. I escaped with severely bruised legs.

72. Of these 5 million youngsters, nearly half are presumed to be severely handicapped by their mental disorder.

73. Firstly, the desire to find good integer solutions so that the enumeration tree can be severely pruned.

74. Centuries of warfare severely depopulated northern China.

75. The grippe hit unusually severely that year.

76. The boat was severely damaged as well.

77. Both teams were severely depleted by injuries.

78. Many of our patients are severely disturbed.

79. The stranded hulk a severely damaged ship.

80. Geriatric hospitals are often severely under-staffed.